Monday, March 29, 2010

Week 7 - Large format - Church

This week we actually shot some roll film in the large formats but because we were shooting roll film me and Charni forgot about the crop factor oppps........ it will interesting to see the processed film.

This was our task

  1. A fully corrected view of the facade of the building using a 4x5 camera
  2. One shot along the side of the building demonstrating the Schiemfplug principle using a 4x5 camera
  3. A fully corrected view of the facade of the building using a digital SLR
  4. One shot along the side of the building demonstrating the Schiemfplug principle using a digital SLR
  5. Two detail shots using a digital SLR
Here are my photos in order

This one i had to straighten the verticals in photoshop even though i used the tilt shift i was getting to much softness in the edges when it was fully straight.

This one was the Schiemfplug. I found that it didnt not actually work like the large formats did as you cannot tilt the front. All that happend was it straightened the image.

Then my tow detail shots that i did HDR.

The door was straightened with the tilt shift and the other one in photoshop.

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