Sunday, February 21, 2010

Workshop 1

Our first Location lesson of the year was a bit of revision on the 35mm camera DSLR and some colour balance theories. I believe that the white balance theories do not suit my style of shooting as i like to see my image as close a possible to the final output on my camera LCD. I use preset white balances NOT AUTO to achieve this. I also believe always having your white balance set to daylight is incorrect as this would be very inappropriate in a studio situation but i see the point for some people as they may like to do all colour balance settings in editing.

Next week
Revision on Mono-blocs, Mobilities, Portable fill Flash and IR triggering

Inferred trigging can be used to set of external flashes using an inferred signal, This can used with transmitters and in cannon 580 flash gun. Some flashes can also be slaved from other flashes e.g. NIKON. The disadvantage to this is that the inferred signal has to be seen by the transmitter, this can be difficult.

Mono blocs are good because the are alot more powerful than the portable flash guns but can be hard to lag around on location.

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