Sunday, May 30, 2010

Exterior re-edit

Original -

I was told i needed the whole buliding in the photo so i have had to do panaroma.
By doing this thou i have got major distortions which need to be corrected a few times to get right.

1st Correction -
This one i have corrected the right side with the verticals and horizontals but as you can see the left side of the building is very distorted and warped. Here i have also used photomatix -Exposure fusion to create a better tonal range and enhance the image.

Fully corrected

I tried using the lens correction in photoshop but didn't do the trick. I have had to use transform - Warp to correct the rood and walkway. I think it turned out fairly well apart from the right side on the lower roof which is a bit warped but after all the corrections i could not fix that as it would unfix other corrections.

Friday, May 21, 2010


This shot i am happy with and will use in my final folio. This was shot with a canon 10-22mm lens AT 10MM, very very very wide. Lots of distortion correction for this shot but in the end it came out pretty good. I straightened both sides of the building. top right and far left. I think the uncorrected one has better composition and balance even thou it is the same photo.


Thursday, May 20, 2010

Landscape Workshop

I found this trip to gibraltar rocks to be the funnest workshop we have had so far.

I also found that the photos did not come out as well as i would have like because of the time of day. The light seemed to be to harsh and it was very hard to get a good mood in the photos.

Panorama with camera vertical - 3 photos

Panorama with camera vertical - 3 photos - I choose to do a vertical panorama

Detail shot with its shadow

A few others

Thursday, May 6, 2010


I most probly wont use either of these but i thought i would post them anyway to show my progress.

Environmental Portrait Flash

Im not sure which one i will use for my flash portrait.

Kai Bell - Child

Blair Wilson - Kayaker

Tuesday, May 4, 2010

More landscapes

I might use them i might not, ill see what i have at the end. I like these ones a bit more thou.

Monday, May 3, 2010

Some landscapes possibly for my folio?


If you were asked to do a travel shoot what would you be expected to shoot?

It all depends lon what company you are shooting for and what they have asked you to do? it could be anything from landscapes to people portraits, depending on what the client wants.

Sunday, May 2, 2010

Canberra Milk

We went to the canberra milk factory for our industrial workshop, here are some of the results from the short session. Yes i did a few HDR's.

Correcting verticals attempt, the right one is still a bit off.

A bit of arty farty silhouetting

A little bit of motion

With the pointing finger in there just for cameron haha.

Corrected with tilt shift

Tilt shift