Sunday, April 11, 2010

Question - What do you like in a landscape photographtoadress

A good landscape needs to address some of these examples

1 - Have mood or emotion
2 - Great colours and tones

3 - Simplicity

4 - Composition, textures and patterns

Good good techniques to shooting a landscape is to have just one focal point and to be simplistic don't make your photo to crowded or complicated.

Church Interiors

A task to see how different white balances react under lighting conditions at St johns Church.

Task 1 - A fully corrected overall view including ceiling.

Task 2 - Corrected view using photoshop
As you can see because of the 10mm lens i was using the distortion was overwhelming and correcting it was almost impossible and looks terrible.

Task 3 - Detail shot using a auto White Balance

This was way to warm

Task 4 - Corrected using white card

This i believe had the best colour outcome.

Task 5 - Corrected using a grey card

This had a bit of a green ting to it and i dont think it was working very well

Task 6 - Corrected using colour meter

I found this didn't work as well as it should have, it kept giving me many different reading that were very different.

Task 7 - Corrected using an expo disk

This one was a bit warm and has a very muggy green ting to it.

Overall I would defiantly use the white card over all the other ways to correct the colour and now i am going out to buy a white card.

Monday, April 5, 2010

Question - What would I like to learn

I would really like to learn more lighting techniques and more about environmental portraits as i have found it very hard shooting our portraits or our final folio. I feel this this is a very week point in my photography. I would also like to learn more about landscape as i feel i can improve in this alot.