Tuesday, June 15, 2010

Final Folio


This was shot a fyshwick metal works, it was very hard to shot because i only had a 5 minute window during their smokeo break to shoot. The main problem with this shot is the huge glare but this was impossible to fix or control. I this was the best out of the shots with the glare but it is still a main problem. I thought maybe cropping in would help fix this but i believe i needed the hand in the shot and the composition became horrible.


This photo was taken at Fyshwick metal works, I only had a 5 minute window to get my 2 shots done as i only had time to shot during their smokeo break. I really like the natural lighting in the workshop as it wasn't too harsh and got darker towards the back making it perfect for this shot here. I really like this shot as it really gives you a sense of the workshop as it is very big and has lots of equipment and this photo really shows that. It also has a great composition and lighting which helps alot.

Landscape - The wishing tree

This tree is at the top of Urambi hills in Kambah, I used to come up here alot in summer to get away from it all. I believe a landscape photograph needs to tell a story not just be pleasing to the eye. This photograph by itself does not tell the story but knowing that I used to come here to get away from it all gives the image more depth. The mood is set by the gradient in the sky created by the polarizing filter as it adds even more emphasizes on the tree and gives it almost a glow like it is inviting. Also the patch in the grass leading to it makes it inviting it really makes you want to go to that tree.

The tree also has a great old seat next to it that u can only just see i tried to get that in the shot but i would lose the simplicity the grass creates.

Landscape - Looming

This photograph was take about 10 seconds before getting extremly wet by the storm coming on the right. I really like the composition of the image with the darkness looming from the right with the swans swimming away very fast as emphasizes by the motion blurr it tells the story of the clam before the storm or even the darkness on one side and the beautiful glory on the other.

Environmental Portrait - Natural Light

Jorden Collins - Vert Rollerbladers

This photo was very hard to take as the light was amazingly harsh but i believe it works as vert skating can be very harsh. Also there was alot of distracting elements in the background such as light poles and people. This is why the composition is very close in with the subject. I like the
light on the vert ramp in the background it really emphasizes the ramp as it is the ramp Jorden spends his life on.

Environmental Portrait - Flash

Blair Wilson - Kayaker

This photo was extremely hard to shot with flashes as it was very rocky and hard to find a flat or solid place to put the tripods. I used two 580 flash guns using the bounce cards to soften the light. I really like the reddish light from the sunset on the subjects face, it was a little bit two harsh but i tried to fill in the light with flashes but it would take away the nice red light on his face. It would have been nice to have a bit more in the frame but it would ruin the composition because it was too crowded.

Architectural Exterior

This Building is at the top of Mt Stomlo it is the ANU - Reasch school of Astronomy and Astrophysics (AITC). The shape of the building is very usual and very much relates greatly to what happens inside the building, it looks almost like a space station.

This building has a perfect spot for taking photos of the building as it is perfectly rising to center the building the only problem is that it is a little bit to close making it very hard to fit the building in shot. Even thou i was using a 10mm lens (10-22mm) i still had to panorama the image to fit the whole building in the shot. Using the 10mm lens gave major distortions and made it very hard to fix the image in photoshop still leaving some minor distortions in the image.

Architectural Exterior

This photo i was tring to be a bit more artistic with playing with the shapes and textures. I was also tring to be technically correct, i did this by using a longer lens with almost no distortions (70-200mm). I know this has been over shot but i think i have taken a little bit different approach to by lens choice and composition.

The braille on the wall says "mate" very iconic Australian slang and i believe this fits perfectly in with the iconic genre of the building itself.

Thursday, June 10, 2010

New Landscape

Last minute decision to go out and shoot the day before i print but i think it was worth it.

Sunday, May 30, 2010

Exterior re-edit

Original -

I was told i needed the whole buliding in the photo so i have had to do panaroma.
By doing this thou i have got major distortions which need to be corrected a few times to get right.

1st Correction -
This one i have corrected the right side with the verticals and horizontals but as you can see the left side of the building is very distorted and warped. Here i have also used photomatix -Exposure fusion to create a better tonal range and enhance the image.

Fully corrected

I tried using the lens correction in photoshop but didn't do the trick. I have had to use transform - Warp to correct the rood and walkway. I think it turned out fairly well apart from the right side on the lower roof which is a bit warped but after all the corrections i could not fix that as it would unfix other corrections.

Friday, May 21, 2010


This shot i am happy with and will use in my final folio. This was shot with a canon 10-22mm lens AT 10MM, very very very wide. Lots of distortion correction for this shot but in the end it came out pretty good. I straightened both sides of the building. top right and far left. I think the uncorrected one has better composition and balance even thou it is the same photo.


Thursday, May 20, 2010

Landscape Workshop

I found this trip to gibraltar rocks to be the funnest workshop we have had so far.

I also found that the photos did not come out as well as i would have like because of the time of day. The light seemed to be to harsh and it was very hard to get a good mood in the photos.

Panorama with camera vertical - 3 photos

Panorama with camera vertical - 3 photos - I choose to do a vertical panorama

Detail shot with its shadow

A few others

Thursday, May 6, 2010


I most probly wont use either of these but i thought i would post them anyway to show my progress.

Environmental Portrait Flash

Im not sure which one i will use for my flash portrait.

Kai Bell - Child

Blair Wilson - Kayaker

Tuesday, May 4, 2010

More landscapes

I might use them i might not, ill see what i have at the end. I like these ones a bit more thou.

Monday, May 3, 2010

Some landscapes possibly for my folio?


If you were asked to do a travel shoot what would you be expected to shoot?

It all depends lon what company you are shooting for and what they have asked you to do? it could be anything from landscapes to people portraits, depending on what the client wants.

Sunday, May 2, 2010

Canberra Milk

We went to the canberra milk factory for our industrial workshop, here are some of the results from the short session. Yes i did a few HDR's.

Correcting verticals attempt, the right one is still a bit off.

A bit of arty farty silhouetting

A little bit of motion

With the pointing finger in there just for cameron haha.

Corrected with tilt shift

Tilt shift

Sunday, April 11, 2010

Question - What do you like in a landscape photographtoadress

A good landscape needs to address some of these examples

1 - Have mood or emotion
2 - Great colours and tones

3 - Simplicity

4 - Composition, textures and patterns

Good good techniques to shooting a landscape is to have just one focal point and to be simplistic don't make your photo to crowded or complicated.

Church Interiors

A task to see how different white balances react under lighting conditions at St johns Church.

Task 1 - A fully corrected overall view including ceiling.

Task 2 - Corrected view using photoshop
As you can see because of the 10mm lens i was using the distortion was overwhelming and correcting it was almost impossible and looks terrible.

Task 3 - Detail shot using a auto White Balance

This was way to warm

Task 4 - Corrected using white card

This i believe had the best colour outcome.

Task 5 - Corrected using a grey card

This had a bit of a green ting to it and i dont think it was working very well

Task 6 - Corrected using colour meter

I found this didn't work as well as it should have, it kept giving me many different reading that were very different.

Task 7 - Corrected using an expo disk

This one was a bit warm and has a very muggy green ting to it.

Overall I would defiantly use the white card over all the other ways to correct the colour and now i am going out to buy a white card.